Histamine Intolerance
What is histamine?
Histamine is the most commonly-known vasoactive amine. It is found, at low levels, in a variety of foods.
Which foods contain histamine?
Histamine is found in a wide range of foods, including:
Cured meats
Certain cheeses
Specific types of fish and seafood
Certain vegetables such as tomatoes, spinach and avocado
Certain fruits such as bananas, oranges and strawberries
Fermented soya including miso and tofu
Drinks such as coffee and champagne
What causes these symptoms?
Most people can eat histamine containing foods with no problem. For a minority of people, these compounds cause symptoms on eating.
The cause of these symptoms is complex. Current research suggests that they may be related to low levels of the enzyme
di-amine oxidase (DAO), that breaks down histamine. Other factors include genetics, stress, gut damage and certain medications.
Symptoms can occur within 30 minutes of eating, but some people have a more delayed reaction, hours after eating.
Symptoms of Histamine Intolerance:
Flushing, itching, swelling, urticaria (hives/nettle rash)
Runny or blocked nose, asthma
Irregular heartbeat, hypotension (drop in blood pressure)
Abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhoea, bloating
Increased anxiety
More painful periods, in those who menstruate
How is it diagnosed?
Our specialist dietitians are able to diagnose histamine intolerance through a process of clinical assessment alongside a controlled exclusion diet.
Why see a dietitian?
It is important to see a dietitian to ensure your symptoms are related to diet and that your intake remains nutritionally optimum while excluding foods.
In addition to dietary changes, our team are able to advise on other lifestyle factors that can help manage the condition.
How We Can Help: Meet Our Specialist Dietitians

Sophie Medlin
Sophie Medlin is a well-recognised consultant dietitian in London with expertise in gastrointestinal and colorectal health.

Dr. Bridgette Wilson
Dr. Wilson is a leading expert in IBS management and has trained hundreds of dietitians on implementation of the low FODMAP diet and published a paper on avoiding some of the common pitfalls of implementing this.

Frances Ralph
Frances Ralph is a King’s College London trained, specialist dietitian, with over 10 years’ experience in NHS and private practice.
What to expect from your consultation
We will take time to thoroughly understand your medical history, lifestyle and religious, ethical or environmental motivations. We will work with you to find a diet that optimises your nutrition, promoting good long term health.
Typically, this will involve three sessions, for example:
Session 1: Assessment and dietary modifications (including assessment for nutritional deficiencies)
Session 2: Assessment of progress and consideration of next steps (with test results as appropriate)
Session 3: Long term nutritional management and healthy eating
For people following a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, we offer three appointments for £300, saving £30. Read our frequently asked questions.
"Very efficient service, excellent advice, good follow up from consultation. I was given time to go through the various issues I wished to discuss and these were all considered by the Dietitian and addressed. I am very pleased with the service."